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Town List for tv

A Nalfein's Kiss tv - 1
Vasstryke's Magic Shoppe tv - 3
Kathralynn's Outfitting tv - 3
Remisse's Outfitting tv - 5
The Rose And Thorn tv - 6
The Alliance's Supply Center tv - 10
Seazarius' Armory tv - 10
Qalael's General Store tv - 10
Tareesa's Outfitting tv - 10
Elanthian Merchant Alliance tv - 12
Qiana's Outfitting tv - 12
Xavanna's Weaponry tv - 12
Rhaviel's Weaponry tv - 13
Solafrut's Magic Shoppe tv - 13
Luethar's Weaponry tv - 14
Sentinel Fleet Trading Company tv - 14
Dorwyn's Combat Gear tv - 14
Kanku's General Store tv - 15
Esana's Magic Shoppe tv - 17
Quessara's Armory tv - 17
Teveriel's General Store tv - 17
Idalias' Outfitting tv - 22
Waltari's Outfitting tv - 23
Menos's Magic Shoppe tv - 23
