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GS4 Herbs

Here is a list of all herbs in the game I have data for. Not all of these are used in alchemy recipes. If you click on a herb you can get a list of which visual foraging maps it appears on. Visual Foraging is currently down of course, but this will atleast let you know in which map to search for the herb you're looking for.


(color) clover blossom (color) passionflower
(color) poppy acantha leaf acantha leaf';select * from rooms;
alder bark alligator lily aloaes stem
aloeas stem alyssum ambrominas leaf
an ear of corn anal beeds angelica root
arctic brambles arctic moss ayana berry
ayana leaf ayana lichen ayana root
ayana weed ayana'al leaf ayana'al lichen
baneberry barley grass basal moss
bearberries beechnut begonia
black acorn black h black hook mushroom
black mushroom black peppercorn black trafel mushroom
black trafel mushrooms black-tipped wyrm thorn blackened moss
blackgrove root blaestonberry blossom bleeding heart rose
bleeding-heart bloodthorn stem bloodwood twig
blossom blue agave heart blue mold
blue moss blue pasionflower blue passionflower
blue poppy blue trafel mushroom blue water lily
blue whortleberry blueballs bluebells
Blueberries bolmara lichen bolmara moss
bolmara root bone mushroom bougainvillea blossom
boxwood branch of kerria branches of kerria
bright red beet bright red cranberry bright red teaberry
broken twig brostheras grass buckthorn berry
bumpy green guava bunch of wild grapes bur-clover leaf
bur-clover root butterflyweed cactacae spine
cactus flower cactus-bloom calamia fruit
calamintha blossom calmintha flower cardamom
carrot cattail cave moss
chicory chives chokecherry
cinnamon bark clematis clover blossom
cluster of cluster of butterflyweed cluster of gorse
cluster of woad l cluster of woad leaves coppery rain lily
corn cothinar flower cranberry
crimson dragonstalk crocus crowberry
cuctucae berry cumin seeds currant
currants daggerstalk mushro daggerstalk mushroom
daggit root daisy dandelion
dark pink rain l dark pink rain lily deep pink rain lily
deep purple shockroot dingleberry discolored fleshbinder bud
drakefern ear of corn ebon twig
ebony twig edelweiss elanthian snow rose
elderberries ephlox moss fairy primrose
fennel fennel bulb fetid black slime
feverfern stalk fiddlehead fiddlehead fern
fig fire lily firethorn root
flaming violet flathead mushroom flathead mushrooms
flatheadmushroom fragrant fragrant white lily
freesia flowers frostflower frostweed
fusiform sweet potato fuzzy peach gengew mushroom
genkew mushroom giant glowing toadstool ginger root
ginkgo nut glowing firefly glowing green lichen
glowing toadstool gok nut golden apricot
golden aster golden buttercup golden flaeshorn berry
golden hook mushroom golden poppy goldenrod
gooseberry grapes green guava
green mold green pear green tomato
handful of almonds handful of blaestonberries handful of blueberries
handful of currants handful of dark blue honeyberries handful of elderberries
handful of huckleberries handful of mustard seeds handful of oats
handful of pecans handful of pine needles handful of pinenuts
handful of plump black mulberries handful of raspberries handful of raw almonds
handful of red cherries handful of snowberries handful of walnuts
handfull of currants handfull of huckleberries handfull of oats
handfull of raspberries haphip root heath aster
holly honeysuckle vine hop flowers
hosta flower huckleberries hydrangea
ice tulip iceblossom imaera's lace
imaeras lace iris blossom ironfern root
ivy jasmine juicy plum
kylan berry lace lady slipper blossom
large black toadstool large sunflower large white gardenia
larkspur lavend lavender
layer of onion skin leafy arugula lettuce
light blue hydrangea lingonberry loganberry
longgrass luckbloom blossom luminescent green fungus
lumpy purple potato manroot stalk marallis berry
mass of congealed slime mezereon bark mistletoe
mistweed mold monkey grass
monkeyflower moonflower moonlight cactus-bloom
motherwort mountain dryan mournbloom
murdroot murdroot found murkweed
mushroom knob mustard seeds nettle leaf
nightbloom blossom nightshade berry nutmeg
oak twig oblong red onion onion skin
oozing fleshsore bulb orange begonia orange heleconia
orange heliconia orange rowanberry orange tiger lily
orange tomato orchil lichen orris root
oxblood lily pale thornberry pale yellow daffodil
pansy blossom peapod pennyroyal stem
pepperthorn root petrified shadowstalk pine cone
pine needles pinenuts pink begonia
pink clover blossom pink heliconia pink hydrangea
pink mold pink passionflower pink peony
pink peppercorn pink petunia pink poppy
pink rain lily pink water lily plum
pod of cardamom pothinir grass primrose
pumpkin purple clover blossom purple crocus
purple eggplant purple hydrangea purple mold
purple passionflower purple petunia purple poppy
purple-tipped artichoke raspberries red begonia
red cherries red clover blossom red clover blossoms
red heliconia red lichen red mold
red passionflower red poppy red teaberry
red tomato red trafel mushroom red vornalite mushroom
red winterberry reeds rockberry
rose-marrow root rosemary rotting bile green fleshbulb
round white eggplant rye grass sagebrush root
sassafras leaf sassafras leaf. sassasfras leaf
shadowlace moss silver-edged fern sky-blue delphinuris
slender twig slime-covered grave blossom small anemone
small apple small banana small branch of acacia
small carnation small daisy small dandelion
small flower small green olive small lime
small loganberry small peapod small primrose
small pumpkin small rose small turnip
small violet small wild rose snapdragon stalk
snow lily snow pansy snowberries
snowberries (handful of) soft white mushroom sovyn clove
spearmint spearmint leaf spider lily
spig of alyssum sponge mushroom spotted heart mushroom
sprig of phlox sprig of alyssum sprig of amaranth
sprig of bleeding heart sprig of bleeding-heart sprig of boxwood
sprig of clematis sprig of columbine sprig of edelweiss
sprig of foxglove sprig of heliotrope sprig of hellebore
sprig of holly sprig of imaera's lace sprig of imaera\'s lace
sprig of ivy sprig of jasmine sprig of larkspur
sprig of lavender sprig of mistletoe sprig of mournbloom
sprig of rosemary sprig of sky-blue delphinuris sprig of sneezeweed
sprig of thanot sprig of wild lilac sprig of wild liliac
sprig of wild phlox stalk of bluebells stalk of burdock
stalk of cattail stalk of celery stalk of chicory
stalk of drakefern stalk of fresh lemongrass stalk of goldenrod
stalk of monkeyflower stalk of rhubarb stalk of tuberose
stalk of wormwood star anise stargazer lily
stem of freesia flowers stem of verbena stick
stick (various) strand of seaweed strigae cactus
striped heart mushroom striped heart mushrooms striped tomato
strof seaweed sunburst blosom sunburst blossom
sunflower sweetfern stalk talneo root
tarweed plant teaberry tendril of vinca
the pepperthorn root one lights up. thornberry thyme
tiger lily tkaro root tobacco leaves
torban leaf traesharm berry tree bark
trollfear mushroom trumpet vine tendril tuberose
tundra grass twisted black mawflower twisted twig
valerian root vanilla bean verbena
vermilion fire lily vermillion fire lily violet
walnuts water water chestnut
water chestnuts wavepetal bloss wavepetal blossom
wheat grass white alligator lily white baneberry
white begonia white clover blossom white eggplant
white hook mushroom white hydrangea white lily
white mold white passionflower white peony
white petunia white poppy white spider lily
white water lily whortleberry wild beechnut
wild carrot wild chokecherry wild gooseberries
wild gooseberry wild grape wild grapes
wild lilac wild orchid wild pansy blossom
wild phlox wild pink geranium wild rose
wild sage wild strawberry wild tulip
willow twig wingstem root winter rose
wintergreen leaf wiregrass witchwood twig
withered black mushroom withered black mushroom. withered black musrooms
withered deathblossom woad leaves wolfsbane root
wolifrew lichen wood violet wormwood
woth flower wyrm thorn wyrmwood bark
yabathil yabathilium fruit yellow clover blossom
yellow heliconia yellow lemon yellow mold
yellow passionflower yellow poppy yellow primrose
yellow tomato yellow water lily yew twig

This MMORPG fan website was created to house alchemy data for the roleplaying game GS4 by Simutronics.