Locations Marked: 73233 | Rooms Tracked: 12132 | Rooms with Climate/Terrain Data: 8682
Welcome to GS4 Room Data. Using this system you can find and mark locations for foragables in GS4, the MMORPG online roleplaying game by Simutronics. Also you can view more room details such as Climate & Terrain as well as more herb details. Anyone can add an herb location, but only registered rangers can add climate & terrain data. If you're a ranger and would like to register please email me at virilneus@ this website. Thanks to Tsoran for the maps.
Buy My Stuff: | Awesome Wiz/Sorc Enhancives: All Levels, Scripted, Non-Crumbly +5 MIU Anklet 300k. +5 EMC bracelet (wear two) 350k. +5 Arcane Symbols anklet 400k. +5 Demonology wristcuff (wear two - helps with balefire) 400k. +5 Necromancy bangle (wear two) 400k. Enhancive Gloves Enhance Spell Aiming & Weapon Skills. Increase your AS without using up a prime slot. Noncrumbly, rechargable. Spell Aiming Two Handers Edged Weapons Brawling Thrown Ranged |
One problem with sorcery is that our core attack spells are not modified by lore or anything else, so that by higher levels they lag behind other casting professions severely in the damage department. However, as seen with recent changes to empath attack spells, apparently it is now an accepted practice to use mana controls, rather than lores, as spell damage modifiers, and mana controls fit our spells very very well. ...read more |
TOWNS: | Icemule Trace | Mist Harbor | River's Rest | Ta'Illistim | Ta'Vaalor | Teras Isle | Vornavis | Wehnimer's Landing | Zul Logoth | |
MAPS: | homes1 | homes2 | WL-broken | WL-cliffs | WL-catacombs | WL-darkstone | WL-danjirland | WL-cavernhold | WL-gates | WL-graveyard | WL-lysierian | WL-mineroad | WL-spidertemple | WL-stronghold | WL-trollfang | WL-wehnimers | WL-wehntoph | |
Environments: | |
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Adding/Marking: yellow moldLearn MoreFind applicable alchemy recipes, a complete list of maps where it is found, and player comments on yellow mold at the GS4 Alchemy Site. Foragables:Add New Foragable: |