Adding/Marking: sprig of larkspur
EnvironmentsDid you know sprig of larkspur grows in the following environments:temperate - grassland temperate - hilly temperate - rough cold, dry - mountainous cold, damp - barren scrub cold, damp - rough cold, dry - hilly temperate - barren scrub cold, damp - hilly humid - rough cold, damp - mountainous cold, dry - grassland temperate - mountainous humid - mountainous humid - grassland arid, temperate - barren scrub cold, dry - rough cold, damp - grassland humid - barren scrub cold, dry - barren scrub snowy, arctic - hard, flat snowy, arctic - grassland
Make a Guess?This website can guess possible locations for sprig of larkspur. These locations are only guesses, but may help you track it down. Click here to activate the guessing engine. Learn MoreFind applicable alchemy recipes, a complete list of maps where it is found, and player comments on sprig of larkspur at the GS4 Alchemy Site. Foragables:
acantha leafambrominas leafangelica rootayana berryayana leafayana'al leafayana'al lichenbarley grassbegoniablack hook mushroomblack trafel mushroomblaestonberry blossomblue trafel mushroombolmara lichenbougainvillea blossombright red teaberrybrostheras grassbur-clover rootcactacae spinecactus flowercalamia fruitcrimson dragonstalkdaggerstalk mushroomear of cornfennel bulbflathead mushroomfragrant white lilygenkew mushroomgolden buttercuphaphip rootheath asterhoneysuckle vinehosta floweriris blossomironfern rootjuicy plumlarge sunflowerlarge white gardenialayer of onion skinlight blue hydrangealuckbloom blossommistweedmoonlight cactus-bloommotherwortmurdrootmustard seedsnettle leafnightbloom blossomorange begoniaorange tiger lilypepperthorn rootpink begoniapink clover blossompink hydrangeapink peonypurple clover blossompurple hydrangearaspberriesred begoniared clover blossomred trafel mushroomrose-marrow rootrye grassslender twigsmall anemonesmall applesmall daisysmall flowersmall green olivesmall primrosesmall rosesmall turnipsmall violetsmall wild rosesnapdragon stalksoft white mushroomsovyn clovesprig of alyssumsprig of amaranthsprig of boxwoodsprig of clematissprig of columbinesprig of foxglovesprig of hollysprig of imaera's lacesprig of ivysprig of jasminesprig of larkspursprig of lavendersprig of mournbloomsprig of rosemarysprig of wild phloxstalk of chicorystalk of goldenrodstalk of monkeyflowerstalk of tuberosestalk of wormwoodstargazer lilystem of freesia flowersstem of verbenasunburst blossomtendril of vincathymetrollfear mushroomverbenavermilion fire lilywavepetal blossomwheat grasswhite begoniawhite clover blossomwhite hook mushroomwhite hydrangeawhite lilywhite peonywild chokecherrywild grapeswild orchidwild pansy blossomwild sagewild strawberrywingstem rootwintergreen leafwithered black mushroomwolfsbane rootwood violetyellow clover blossomyellow primroseyew twig
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