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lesser aura crystal

Submitted by Greysleeve

Copied from the masters. Did not try making one yet. From the phrasing, I suspect the sapphire and ayana leaf are supposed to be whole.

Approximate Difficulty: Rank 31
Alchemy Discipline: Trinkets
Guild Taught: Wizard (doesn't mean exclusively)

You will need...:

  1. ingredient crystalline solution (x1)
  2. ingredient essence shard (x1)
  3. ingredient ayana leaf (x1)
  4. simmer (x1)
  5. ingredient yellow sapphire (x1)
  6. ingredient ground angelica root (x2)
  7. infuse mana (x1)
  8. ingredient radiant crimson essence dust (x1)
  9. boil (x1)
  10. seal (x1)

Submitted Comments:

Rimalon says:

Artoriosdemer says:
Attempted at Rank 46 Empath as listed in this recipe and did NOT have success, do not know where the error is though.

Greysleeve says:
Art - I got it from the masters, so I'm fairly sure it should be a working recipe. Maybe it's profession-specific.

Artoriosdemer says:
Thanks Greysleeve... if anyone has had success can they Comment on here. Curious if one has to perhaps have a certain level of Aura to succeed maybe...

Nindon says:
It produces "a glowing yellow crystal prism." It works for Sorcerers.

Artoriosdemer says:
FYI as Master confirmed that Empath.. does not work for this

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