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hazy brown liquid essence

Submitted by Zuzana

Approximate Difficulty: Rank N/A
Alchemy Discipline: Trinkets
Guild Taught: Empath (doesn't mean exclusively)

You will need...:

  1. ingredient water (x1)
  2. ingredient tiny golden seed (x1)
  3. simmer (x1)
  4. ingredient pine cone (x1)
  5. ingredient small wild rose (x1)
  6. ingredient ayana'al leaf (x1)
  7. ingredient uncut emerald (x1)
  8. boil (x1)
  9. seal (x1)

Submitted Comments:

Artoriosdemer says:
Didn't count for Reps at 54 and I THINK it counted at 53 for what that is worth.

Greysleeve says:
Was taught at rank 58 with greater elemental focus potion.

Yrshali says:
I got this as a general alchemy recipe at rank 58. Since I got the full health potion recipe, they had to give me essence of body and hazy brown liquid essence as well, so I'm doubting the 'only trinkets' status of this.

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