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tincture of aloeas

Submitted by Fleurs

(heals bleeding head wounds)

Alchemy Discipline: General
Guild Taught: Wizard (doesn't mean exclusively)

You will need...:

  1. ingredient water (x1)
  2. ingredient sea salt (x1)
  3. ingredient aloeas stem (x1)
  4. boil (x1)
  5. seal (x1)

Purchase tincture of aloeas at the following player shops:

Submitted Comments:

Athias Laerdaron says:
Stopped working at 22 ranks

Dimwitt says:
also heals bleeding neck wounds

Drafix Myalon says:
Stopped working at 23 ranks for me

Artoriosdemer says:
No longer got reps at Rank 22 either

Arlia says:
I'm in the wizard guild, and I stopped getting reps from it at 22 ranks.

Rilla says:
I also did not get reps at 22 ranks.

huoancri says:
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