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tincture of acantha

Submitted by Drafix Myalon

Alchemy Discipline: General
Guild Taught: Wizard (doesn't mean exclusively)

You will need...:

  1. ingredient water (x1)
  2. ingredient acantha leaf (x1)
  3. boil (x1)
  4. seal (x1)

Purchase tincture of acantha at the following player shops:

Submitted Comments:

Virilneus says:
After rank 13 in general alchemy this recipe is too easy to be used for ranks.

Fleurs says:
This creates a tincture with 10 doses.

Dimwitt says:
heals 10 health per sip

Rilla says:
Stopped working at level 13 for me. Not after level 13.

Luen says:
You know you have success with the potion when a dull orange haze is produced.

Arlia says:
I'm in the wizard guild and just got rank 13. I no longer get any reps from this.

Caylen says:
Empath-no rep while working on rank 14, which is what I believe Virilneus was saying.

Drayce says:
Repeated testing has produced the following information. Successful brewing produces a dull orange haze, uses 22 mana(1 to light the cauldron, 5 to boil and 16 to seal) and pays 100 silver during teaching Master reps.

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