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(401) silvery potion

Submitted by Kastrel Tyraegen Faendryl

Alchemy Discipline: Potions
Guild Taught: Sorcerer (doesn't mean exclusively)

You will need...:

  1. ingredient water (x1)
  2. ingredient ayana leaf (x1)
  3. boil (x1)
  4. ingredient smoky topaz (x1)
  5. simmer (x1)
  6. chant Elemental Defense I (401) (x1)

Purchase silvery potion at the following player shops:

Submitted Comments:

Natook says:
step 7 seal

Missoni says:
Topaz must be ground.

Rilla says:
stopped working as a difficult recipe at 14 ranks for me

Arlia says:
A pale blue haze means it works.

Gadshill says:
Might be a bug, but whenever I forage for an Ayana Leaf, I can only find Ayana Berries. The good news is that Ayana Berries work in this recipe.

Jytheria says:
>l in cau The cast iron cauldron is currently lit. So far, you've added water and ayana leaf, boiled it, added powdered smoky topaz, and simmered it. >chant 401 You should remain disciplined in your studies and stick with the task the Training Administrator gave you. You need to have something in there first! You chant an esoteric incantation as small sparks surround your hands. No clue why I can't make this potion.

Redin says:
Jytheria, you need to ALCHEMY CHANT not just CHANT.

Rilla says:
Ayana leafs are sorta funky. When you forage for them you can get ayana berries, ayana roots, or ayana weed depending on where you are. When you put any of them in the cauldron it will look like ayana leaf though.

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This MMORPG fan website was created to house alchemy data for the roleplaying game GS4 by Simutronics.